How to Win in Online Slots Games

Being a successful slot machine player is not possible. The machines in every slot online are created to provide the house with an advantage over time which means that the house always comes out in the lead if you are playing for long enough. The only method to reduce the edge of the house in slot machine games is to choose an online game that has a large jackpot. Place your bets at the maximum every time you play, and then hope that you win. When you win the jackpot that is really huge then what are you going to do next? You must stop playing the game.

Don’t get me wrong. I’m not saying it’s not a good idea to play slots. Actually, I believe slots, particularly those that are really good, are enjoyable. However, you must keep in your mind that mathematically what you’re doing by playing the game on a regular basis involves paying entertainment. You can determine how much you’re paying for entertainment simply by multiplying the edge of your casino by your average bet multiplied by the number of spins you play per hour.

For instance, if you’re playing a game of slots with a pay-out of 95%, your house advantage is five percent. (The casino takes the 5% from every bet that you place over the long-term.) If your bet is $3 you’ll pay fifteen cents for each spin back to the casino. (5 percent times $3.) If you’re able to make 500 spins in an hour, the game will cost an hour of play for $75 that may or may not be an appropriate price for enjoyment. This is contingent on your budget.

Another thing to consider in your calculations is the amount the bonuses and perks you’re receiving at the casinos are worth. If you’re playing at a casino in a physical location, and you’re receiving free drinks as you play, you could subtract the cost of these drinks from your hourly costs. (Or you could include the cost of the drinks to the entertainment that you’re enjoying–it’s all the matter of perception.) My suggestion is to drink the best liquor available and top-quality beers for you to get the most entertainment you’re getting. For example, a Heineken is priced at $4 per bottle at a good restaurant. You can drink two Heinekens in an hour, and you’ve decreased the amount you pay to play every hour, between $75 and $68.

The slot clubs also pay back some of your losses every hour, so make sure to join the slot club of your casino and use your card to keep track of your playing. There’s no reason why you shouldn’t to take this step. They also give their biggest slot players with incentives such as meals, show tickets and even free rooms that all lessen the amount you’re paying for each hour you play on their machines.


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